August 2015 Update

These months went by so fast… I have been actively reading, following the market, and making purchases. However, this is going to change for a while. I officially declare the next quarter (September, October, November) a «thinking quarter» and a «accumulate more cash» quarter. The reason is, I have built a reasonable big portfolio, with a lot of positions in a very short span of time. So I think it is wiser to stop and meditate about all this.

I will probably write a few post regarding the behaviour of my shares in the marker, my FI objectives, how I support myself mentally to keep doing this, and other ideas that may come to my mind.

In my portfolio I have some new positions as I told you: REE, BME (Spain), JNJ, UNP, WSR, WPC (USA) ANZ (Austr.)

Now it happens that I have dividend income every month, which is a nice thing for me to happen! 🙂

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New buys and may dividends

This month I have studied the percentage of income that my portfolio generates. And I have to get it upper. Of course you will tell me that is just a matter of time, won’t you? and I know that. That is the reason why I bought Nestlé, which gives about a 2.00% dividend (not too much, and besides, Switzerland will get 35% of it), but it’s a very solid stock.

But this month it seeemed I had found a stock that was cheap at the moment, and whose dividend was high (for me it is going to be 5.50%), I am speaking of OHI.

Bought of 45 shares of Omega Healthcare Investors at 36.23 dollars.

The only thing I do not like about them is that the payout was high, in my opinion (about 70 something percent). Also it was cheaper earlier this month but who knows if there will be more opportunities?

The other buy is more stocks of AXA: 110 shares at 22.81 euro

I like AXA very very much. It is very solid, the numbers are perfect and the dividend yield is good too (4.5%). The bad news is the French government takes 30% of the dividend, so the net income is much less.

The good news now. Dividends!!

Telefónica — 115,52 euro
Axa —            201,05  euro
– — – — — — –
total 316,57 euros (after taxes)

I hope this month next year the income will be much higher. Probably this is going to be the best month in a while, since Telefónica and Axa are my two biggest holdings for now. Next month I am expecting to get paid by IBM and Carrefour.

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Building a significant portfolio is truly a long and hard way to go. Nonetheless, it is vital to take on it seriously and commit to put every single money you can save, to work for you. As I did not mention it before, take into consideration that prior to start investing you need to have built a security fund, which should be liquid, in case you have an emergency or become jobless.

That said, I feel optimistic today and post a picture of a line going up… my dividends will go up during this month, the first that I am going to collect dividends. On the other side, the valuation of my portfolio is down  (-1.01%).

Empezamos cuesta arriba

My positions are:


AMERICAN MARKET: COCA-COLA, IBM (bought in dollar)


I have to save 80% of my salary, I am to. My income is about 1850 euro per month, which is not so high, but I am lucky I do not own a mortgage nor any other debt. If everything comes smoothly, I’ll be able to save and invest 1500 euro at the end of this month.

Disclaimer: I am not an English native speaker, so I hope you can be kind about that. At the same time, I’d be happy to be assessed on grammatical or other type mistakes. Thanks for your consideration.

Well, just two months before summer holidays, and very happy that my first dividends are coming along to cheer me up along the way.

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Kilómetro 0

Agárrense que vienen curvas.

A few months just before now, I was somehow preoccupied for my future. It has been such a long time of work and work…

When I was fifteen, I started working for a local supermarket, my job was simply to flip the offers of the supermarket through my neighbourhood postboxes. A couple of years later, I started to work in the cafeteria of a hospital, where I stayed for seven years, at the same time that I got my graduate diploma in Spanish. Then I prepared for getting into the public school system, and I succeeded, meaning that I hold since then a permanent job as a teacher of Spanish for teenagers 12-18. I do not think that I have to convince you what a bad-for-your-health job that is. Really stressful, even though I am lucky for the long holidays and so.

I have been saving hard all my life, but I just had not a clear idea of how to invest it. Even though I read along about Financial Independence, I tried to reach there means of regular deposits. I was capable to save up to 80.000 euro, and then it occurred to me that I deserved a vacation. So I took a license at job, and went off two years without working. They were two marvellous years when I had the opportunity to travel, knit, dance, and many other things. At the same time, I continued to pursue my PhD, which I had started back in 2014.

When I got back to work, my health began to deteriorate, very slowly, but consistently. I am aware of it. This job gives me headaches, tension in my neck, a lot of worries and a lot of stress. So I want me out of there as soon as possible.

Reading and reading again, I finally found some places in the internet from where I could learn a strategy that seemed to fit with me: the buy and hold strategy.

I had had a contact with the stock market back in 2007, but as I was scared of it and did not understood it very well, I decided to get out of there for a while. A big while. If I had known, I would have bought a few years back from now, when the shares were cheap. But anyways, I am convinced that I can retire early if I am consistent and invest all I can.

I have a portfolio that I made in about two months, which I will share with you in my next post. I hope this blog can help me not to lose track of my objectives, to keep determined to follow my goals, and of course I am willing to share my experience with other investors out there in the world.

I am from Europe (from Spain) but I am writing in English because I particularly like the American stock market, even though I intend to have in my portfolio everything I like, no limits, just the limits of good fundamentals and prospective dividend earnings. Aged 34, my objective is switching to the part-time schedule before I am 40 (without losing net income) and live on dividends by 50.

Thanks to all of you for reading.

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